Always remember, those who didn’t make it, teach…

I want to take a moment to lament the sad passing of Sydney Pollack – a legend and a great talent –and the ever so slow, yet progressive decline of Emma Watson’s acting ability.

Emma’s portrayal of Hermione in the first Harry Potter film was sharp and right on the mark. She embodied the character described so lovingly by JKR, a remarkable achievement for one so young. But perhaps, we gave credit to her too soon. As the film heptology progresses, Hermione’s speech becomes proportionally more clipped, breathy, even rushed. She takes these seemingly enormous pauses before delivery and it makes the whole scene stilted.

It’s acting by numbers and it really shits me.Frankly, she’s been overcoached and you can see it in every line, particularly in the latest instalment, Order of the Phoenix. She isn’t so much over-acting as over-thinking how to deliver her lines. In action sequences, she’s back on form, clearly having little need to over plan her performance.

Emma, you’ve got the gift. We’ve seen what you can be capable of. Simply have the confidence in your own ability and ignore what your dramatic tutor has drummed into you – they do you a disservice!!

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